Traffic Exchange

Monday 28 October 2013

Steps to Take when Moving to Dubai for a Job

Dubai has become a favoured offshore location amongst international job seekers and professionals seeking a higher standard of living and unique career experience. Although the advantages of moving to Dubai are numerous, and many expats will tell you of the fantastic benefits there are to living in the UAE, it is also important that you are aware of the restrictions, downsides and any draw backs that may affect your time there.

There are many steps that need to be followed in order to successfully move to Dubai for employment, some of which are detailed below.

Obtain an offer of employment

Due to the fact that a sponsor is required, along with a work visa to reside and work in Dubai, it is vital that you have an offer of employment, together with an employment contract before relocating.

File for a visa

You must have the required visa before you can begin employment in Dubai. In order to obtain the visa, you may need the following documents; passport, birth certificate, degree certificate, 6 months bank statement and employment contract from sponsor in Dubai.

UAE driving license

If your job requires you to drive, you must obtain a separate UAE driving license as your current license will not be valid in Dubai.

Changing jobs in Dubai

You should note that it is not easy to change jobs in Dubai and this is because your employer is your sponsor and reason you are in the country. In order to move from one employer to the next, you must obtain a no objection certificate (NOC) which is to be signed by your current employer and which permits you to move employment.

Renting and living costs

Dubai is known for its high standards of living, attractive salaries and tax free incentives, however the renting market and general living expenses are also considered to be relatively high. It is therefore important that you have enough money in your bank account to fund your first month there before you receive your first month's salary. Usually, property owners can request anything from one – six months worth of rent upfront. 

         Posted by
         Emma Mackenzie
HitLeap - Traffic Exchange

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