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Thursday 14 November 2013


Dunya TV

Karachi: 6 terrorists killed in encounter with police


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, CID police tried to stop some suspects at a check post near Lucky Pahari in Maripur area upon which the terrorists opened fire at the police party.Police returned the fire as a result six terrorists were killed while three police officials, Yasir, Faizan and Ali, also sustained injuries. The injured police officials were shifted to hospital.While talking to media, SP CID Chaudhry Aslam asid that the terrorists belonged to a banned organization and had planned to target Imam Bargha Husainia Irania Khara Dar and 9 and 10 Muharram processions.Chaudhry Aslam further informed that Ameer of a banned outfit, Gul Hassan, was also shot dead in encounter. He said that Gul Hassan was the mastermind of attack on Justice Maqbool Baqir and blast at the Imam Bargha, Ali Raza.

54,000 Pakistanis deported from Saudi Arabia


LONDON (Dunya News) – Pakistan ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Muhammad Naeem Khan while talking to BBC, said that from May to November 3, at least 0.8 million Pakistanis legalise their status to work in Saudi Arabia for which Pakistan embassy worked day and night for the past six months.Ambassador Muhammad Naeem Khan informed that there are 1.5 Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia out of which 54,000 were deported after they failed to legalise their status in Saudi Arabia till November 3.Now those Pakistanis who have failed to legalise their status may face action by the Saudi authorities.

Karachi violence claims 4 more lives


KARACHI (Dunya News) – According to details, five-year-old Nadia who was critically injured in firing incident ne Juna Masjid in Lyari, died of her wounds in hospital.In another incident of firing, 27-year-old Hamid was gunned down in Liquatabad area while a man was shot dead in firing near Old Sabzi Mandi.In yet another incident, 45-year-old Haroot was gunned down by his rivals near Kala Pul area.

Pillion riding in Punjab banned on Muharram 9, 10


LAHORE (Dunya News) - The Punjab government has imposed a ban on pillion riding across the province on Muharram 9 and 10 and a notification in this regard was also issued.According to the directives, women, children and elderly will be exempted from the ban.According to Punjab Law Minister, Rana Sana Ullah, 13 districts in the province have been declared sensitive while the mobile phone service in Khushab, Mianwali, Bhakhar and Sargodha will also remain suspended on Muharram 9 and 10. The provincial government is also in consultation with security agencies for the suspension of mobile phone service in Lahore.The main procession of 10 Muharram in Lahore will be taken out at 11:00pm from Nisar Haveli today (Thursday) which will culminate at Karbala Game Shah after Magrib prayers on Friday after passing its traditional route.

Dengue claims one more life in Lahore


LAHORE Dunya News) – According to details, 49-year-old Muhammad Saleem died in Ganga Ram Hospital on Wednesday, bringing the death toll to 14 across the province.At least 77 new dengue cases have been reported during last 24 hours in Punjab out of which 24 were reported in Lahore and 33 in Rawalpindi.A spokesman of the Punjab Health Dept while talking to media informed that the number of dengue patient will decrease with fall in temperature during upcoming days.

Egypt sentences 12 pro-Morsi protesters to 17 years


CAIRO (AFP) - An Egyptian court sentenced 12 supporters of deposed Islamist president Mohamed Morsi to 17 years in prison on Wednesday for taking part in a violent student-led protest, state media reported.The official MENA news agency reported that the protesters were convicted of attacking the headquarters of the Islamic Al-Azhar institution during the protest.Morsis Muslim Brotherhood movement said on its website all those sentenced were students at Al-Azhars university.The men were arrested after protesters in October tried to storm Al-Azhars head office, which supported the militarys overthrow of Morsi.The men will be allowed to post 64,000 Egyptian pounds ($9,300) bail while they appeal the sentences.More than 1,000 people, most of them Morsis supporters, have been killed in clashes with police since he was removed in July.Thousands have been arrested, with many going to trial.Fourteen suspected supporters of Morsi who were on trial for allegedly taking part in separate violent protests were acquitted on Sunday.Morsi himself is on trial for alleged involvement in the killings of opposition protesters outside his palace.He is to stand trial with 14 other defendants, including former presidential aides and senior Muslim Brotherhood members.Much of the groups leadership, including its supreme guide Mohamed Badie, are in prison and police continue to round up dozens of the Islamists each week.The crackdown has severely restricted the movements ability to mobilise, but its supporters still hold daily protests to demand Morsi be reinstated.Morsis lawyer said on Wednesday that the ousted president has warned that stability would not return to Egypt until the coup that toppled him is reversed.Egypt will not regain its stability except by annulling this coup, Morsis lawyer Mohamed al-Damati said the former president had told him.

Morsi: No stability in Egypt unless coup reversed


CAIRO (AP) - Egypts ousted President Mohammed Morsi accused the military chief who deposed him of treason in a message from prison read by lawyers on Wednesday, saying the country cannot return to stability until the coup is reversed and those behind it are tried.The statement was part of a bid by Morsi to rally his supporters since his emergence from the secret military detention where he had been held, with virtually no contact with the outside world since his July 3 ouster.Morsi was moved to a high security civilian penitentiary last week after the first session of his trial on charges of inciting murder. There, he had his first extensive meeting with a team of lawyers from his Muslim Brotherhood and other allies on Tuesday, outlining to them his message to the Egyptian people.But he is emerging to a dramatically changed situation from four months ago.Since then, a fierce crackdown by security forces has crippled the Brotherhood, several thousand members have been arrested, and hundreds have been killed. The group has been banned by a court order and a government-appointed committee is reviewing its financial assets with an eye to seize them. The new military-backed government is pushing ahead with a transition plan aiming for new presidential and parliamentary elections early next year.In the most recent verdict in the crackdown, a court sentenced 12 pro-Morsi supporters to 17 years in prison each over charges linked to violence at Al-Azhar, Sunni Islams main seat of learning. The Brotherhood described the defendants, who may appeal the ruling, as Morsi supporters. The court set bail for each defendant at 64,000 Egyptian pounds ($9,000) pending any appeal.The verdict said the defendants were convicted for gathering to influence authorities and impede implementation of the law, as well as thuggery, assault, sabotage and other charges. Egypts official news agency says protesters at the time had hurled chunks of marble at the building and insulted the grand imam.Under the crackdown, protests by Morsis supporters have dwindled and have been reduced to small gatherings in universities or localized neighborhood rallies. Security officials, however, worry the protests could flare stronger with the lifting of a 3-month-old state of emergency and curfew, which the government confirmed in a statement will happen Thursday.Ahead of the lifting, the government said in a statement that it had reviewed the security plan to be put in action, which included increasing police deployments, including mobile and fixed checkpoints in the streets.Any attempts to destabilize the country or undermine state or citizens security will be dealt with firmly in accordance with the law, the statement said.The military-backed interim government also announced the setting of a maximum wage for government employees, a step aimed at achieving social justice long demanded by those who led the 2011 uprising which ousted autocrat Hosni Mubarak of power. The Cabinet decided that starting in January, the top government wage will be $6,000 a month. The minimum wage was raised several months ago to $171 a month.Morsis statement laid down a hard line, praising protesters for their steadfastness and vowing the coup would be reversed.The coup has begun to fall apart and will topple in the face of the steadfastness of the Egyptian people, he said in the statement, read by the lawyers at a press conference. His lawyers stressed that they had taken notes from Morsi and articulated the message themselves.He said Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who heads the military, had violated his oath of loyalty and committed treason against God and treason against the whole nation by driving a wedge among the people of Egypt.He also said Egypt will not see stability until the military coup is eliminated and those responsible for shedding Egyptians blood are held accountable.The 62-year-old Morsi also gave his first account of his detention. He said was kidnapped forcefully and against my will on July 2, a day before el-Sissi announced the installation of a new interim president. He said he was kept in a Republican Guards facility for three days, then moved to a naval base.Military and security officials refused to divulge where Morsi was kept until his trial, citing concerns for his safety. Morsi also said he did not meet any military leaders during his detention.In his trial, Morsi has so far refused to accept legal representation, insisting he remains the elected president and that the tribunal against him is illegitimate. In the trials first session Morsis first public appearance since his ouster he spoke out defiantly, portraying himself as president.The session, however, was not aired live and no cameras or recording devices were allowed in the courtroom. The only imagery made public from the trial was a short video with no sound that was aired later on state and independent TV channels, showing a healthy Morsi in a dark suit stepping out of a minibus to the courtroom, and later inside the cage.Lawyer Mohammed el-Damati, who acts as a spokesman for the Brotherhood legal team, said at the press conference Wednesday that so far that position has not changed after the prison meeting the day before, and that it is too early to say whether Morsi will accept a lawyer. He has until the next session of the trial, on Jan. 8, to decide.The team of lawyers will start pursuing legal measures against the coup and those behind it, el-Damati said.When asked what are the legal options Morsi and his team think they can take to reverse the coup, el-Damati said, These are thorny issues. One possibility is to make a complaint to the prosecutor-general or file a suit in administrative courts arguing that the decisions taken by el-Sissi are null and invalid.

Kerry: New Iran sanctions could hurt nuclear talks


WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned Congress on Wednesday against hurting a historic opportunity for a nuclear pact with Iran by pressing ahead with new sanctions while talks continue.Kerry said the United States and other world powers are united behind an offer they presented to Iranian negotiators in Geneva last week. But he said action now from U.S. lawmakers could shatter the international coalition made up of countries with interests as divergent as France, Russia and China, ending hopes of a peaceful end to the decade-long nuclear standoff with the Islamic republic.The countries worry that Tehran is trying to assemble an atomic weapons arsenal. Iran insists its program is solely for peaceful energy production and medical research purposes.We put these sanctions in place in order to be able to put us in the strongest position possible to be able to negotiate. We now are negotiating, Kerry told reporters ahead of testifying before the Senate Banking Committee. And the risk is that if Congress were to unilaterally move to raise sanctions, it could break faith in those negotiations, and actually stop them and break them apart.With nuclear negotiations set to resume in Switzerland next week, the Obama administration dispatched Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden to Congress to seek more time for diplomacy.Kerry said negotiators should have a few weeks more to see if they can reach an agreement.The request faces sharp resistance from members of Congress determined to further squeeze the Iranian economy and wary of yielding any ground to Iran in the talks.The Iranian regime hasnt paused its nuclear program, said Rep. Ed Royce, a Republican and the House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman. Why should we pause our sanctions efforts, as the administration is pressuring Congress to do?Kerry said the potential accord with Iran relates to a tough proposal, adding: If it werent strong, why wouldnt Iran have accepted it yet?Kerry added: What were asking everyone to do is calm down, look hard at what can be achieved and what the realities are. If this doesnt work, we reserve the right to dial back up the sanctions. I will be up here on the Hill asking for increased sanctions, and we always reserve the military option.So we lose absolutely nothing, except for the possibility of getting in the way of diplomacy and letting it work.Last weeks talks broke down as Iran demanded formal recognition of what it calls its right to enrich uranium, and as France sought stricter limits on Irans ability to make nuclear fuel and on its heavy water reactor to produce plutonium, diplomats said.President Barack Obama spoke Wednesday by telephone with French President Francois Hollande. The two countries are in full agreement on Iran, the White House said in a statement.Obama is under pressure at home and abroad to resolve the Iran nuclear standoff, having said the U.S. has until sometime next year before the Islamic republic could reach nuclear weapons capacity. Obama has reached out in an unprecedented manner to Irans new President Hassan Rouhani, with the two men holding the first direct conversation between U.S. and Iranian leaders in more than three decades.At the same time, Obama has angered U.S. allies Israel and Saudi Arabia, which see an Iranian nuclear arsenal as existential threats.The new sanctions were overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-led House in July. The legislation blacklisted Irans mining and construction sectors and committed the U.S. to the goal of eliminating all Iranian oil exports worldwide by 2015. If the Senate Banking Committee pushes off its parallel bill any longer, lawmakers could attach it to a Senate defense bill which could come up for debate as early as Thursday.

Four US Marines killed in accident at California base


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Four US Marines died Wednesday in an accident at a training range at Camp Pendleton in California, officials said.The incident occurred during a range maintenance operation, the Marine Corps said in a statement, without providing further details.Range maintenance usually refers to the detonation of ordnance, officials said.The cause of the accident is currently under investigation and more information will be provided as it becomes available, the Marine Corps said.In March, seven Marines died and eight others injured at Hawthorne Army Depot in Nevada when a mortar bomb exploded during a live-fire training exercise.

3 shot outside US school; drug link probed


PITTSBURGH (AP) - Three high school students heading to their vehicle after classes ended were shot Wednesday afternoon, and police investigating whether the shooting was drug-related brought six people in for questioning, school and police officials said.The three teenagers were shot outside Brashear High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as they walked to a vehicle theyd all taken to school earlier in the day, school district spokeswoman Ebony Pugh said. Nearby residents said they heard seven or eight shots.The wounds of the victims, all boys, appeared to be non-life-threatening, both Pugh and police spokeswoman Diane Richard said, though their descriptions of the wounds differed slightly. Pugh said two students were grazed in the head and one was shot in both the foot and arm. Richard said one was grazed in the neck and shoulder, but not the head.Police believe the shooting might stem from a drug-related fight between some students last month, Richard said. She didnt immediately provide more details.Six people were brought in for questioning, Pittsburgh public safety director Michael Huss said about two hours after the shooting. Police wouldnt say whether theyre also students, and Richard said theyre not suspects or necessarily going to be charged.None of the victims immediately spoke or cooperated with police, Richard said. All were listed in good to stable condition at city hospitals, she said. Two are 17 and one is 16.The student who was shot in the head was found inside the school, though thats because he made his way back to the school, and was pulled back inside by one of the administrators, Richard said.She stressed, There was no shooting at Brashear school. ... The shooting did not happen in the school.Brashear is a high school with about 1,400 students and 100 faculty. The school was locked down briefly, though students were released to their parents about 90 minutes after the shooting.

Mexico beat New Zealand 5-1 in first-leg playoff


MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico swept to a 5-1 victory over New Zealand in the first leg of their intercontinental playoff on Wednesday to become the overwhelming favorite for a place at next years World Cup finals.Paul Aguilar put Mexico ahead in the 32nd minute and Raul Jimenez made 2-0 before the break. Oribe Peralta added two more in the second half before Rafael Marquez scored in the 84th and Chris James grabbed a consolation goal for New Zealand a minute later.Mexico, which was lucky to reach the playoff, now just needs to finish the job in the second leg next Wednesday in New Zealand.Mexico scored only seven goals in 10 qualifying games, but broke through under new coach Miguel Herrera. Herrera, the fourth Mexico coach in two months, used only players based in the national league, omitting stars like Javier Hernandez of Manchester United.That focus on domestic league players was partly to deal with Mexico Citys altitude of 2,240 meters (7,350 feet), which seemed to fatigue New Zealand.Mexico finished behind the United States, Costa Rica and Honduras in CONCACAF qualifying, with those three advancing automatically to Brazil. Mexico only secured fourth place after the United States scored two late goals last month to defeat Panama which was winning at the time and would have reached the playoff.Aguilar broke the deadlock by chipping in from 10 meters (yards) after keeper Glen Moss was caught off his line and Jimenez found the net eight minutes later with a close-range header after threatening to score several times.Only Moss, who made several acrobatic saves, kept Mexico from scoring more in the first half at Azteca stadium.Moss punched away a shot from Jimenez in the 18th, which nearly crossed the line. In the 24th, Francisco Rodriguez hit the crossbar, and in the 27th Moss stopped Jimenezs shot from point-blank range.Peralta put the match beyond New Zealands reach just three minutes after the re-start, collecting a cross from the left and slotting home from six meters (yards), and then scored his second with an 80th-minute header. Marquez then nodded home Mexicos fifth, before James scored with a volley off the post.It was the second one-sided victory of the day. Earlier, Uruguay hammered Jordan 5-0 away in another intercontinental playoff for next years World Cup in Brazil.

FIFA fines Poland, England for World Cup incidents


ZURICH (AP) - FIFA has fined the English and Polish football associations for crowd trouble at their World Cup qualifying match at Wembley Stadium last month.FIFA says it fined the Polish association 30,000 Swiss francs ($32,760) for incidents of crowd disturbance at the Oct. 15 match.Poland fans lit numerous flares inside the stadium, and one visiting fan ran on to the field during the match.FIFA fined the English FA 10,000 Swiss francs ($10,920) for allowing the incidents.FIFA rules hold host nations responsible for security inside their stadiums.England won 2-0 to qualify for the World Cup as winners of Group H.

Golf: Kerr back to defend Ochoa Invitational title


GUADALAJARA (AFP) - Cristie Kerr defends her title at this weeks Lorena Ochoa Invitational, the penultimate event of the 2013 LPGA season.Kerr erased a two-stroke final round deficit to beat current world number one Park In-Bee of South Korea at Guadalajara Country Club last year.Kerr has already won one title this season, at the Kingsmill Championship in May.She said this weeks event, hosted by former world number one Lorena Ochoa, is one of the tours more restful stops and a perfect build up to the season-ending Titleholders, which features players who have earned top-three finishes during the season.Its always a relaxing atmosphere, Kerr said of a tournament that this year features 36 players vying for a $150,000 first prize from a purse of $1 million.Everybody always hangs out in the clubhouse after their round and has great Mexican food and margaritas. Its just a lot of fun.Despite the laid-back atmosphere, there is still plenty at stake for the LPGAs top players.It has come down to a two-woman race for Player of the Year honors, with Park holding a 38-point lead over Norways Suzann Pettersen.Pettersen, who has come on strong in the final half of the season, can keep the race alive if she finishes third or better this week, depending on where Park finishes.A runner-up finish for Park would mean the South Korean star could finish no worse than a tie for first in the Player of the Year race.Park is also in front of Pettersen in the money list with $2,335,460 thanks to a season that has included six victories.Pettersen is second with $2,241,847 in winnings.Its only the second time in LPGA Tour history that two players have earned $2 million in one season. In 2006, both Ochoa and Australian Karrie Webb topped $2 million.American Stacy Lewis comes into the tournament leading the chase for the Vare Trophy for the player with the lowest scoring average, with both Pettersen and Park still in with a chance of catching her.

Athletics: World doping body 'welcomes' Kenya inquiry


JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - The global doping policing body gave a luke-warm welcome Wednesday to a Kenyan inquiry into doping allegations against its athletes, after criticism of a lack of action.I welcome what appears to be some action, said World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) president John Fahey at a global conference against performance-enhancers in sports.Kenya named a 12-member task force on Monday to investigate a German media report that the blood-boosting drug EPO and other doping products were readily available to local athletes.But the Kenyan delegation at the anti-doping conference in Johannesburg had not spoken to WADA about it, said Fahey.Theres been no formal communication for what they propose, he told journalists.I look forward to finding out the details.WADA had been asking Kenyan authorities to investigate for 18 months with no action on assurances, Fahey said earlier in the week.He hinted then that WADA might probe doping allegations itself under new doping rules that will give the body new teeth when it comes into effect in 2015.Since January last year, increased doping tests have netted 17 Kenyan cheats, though none of them big-name athletes.The allegations have cast a shadow over Kenya, famed for its distance runners who hold world records from the 800m through to the marathon and where running is a major source of national pride.

Pacquiao could consider retirement after Rios bout


BANGKOK (AP) - Manny Pacquiaos trainer says the Filipino boxer may contemplate retirement if he fails to perform well in his upcoming bout against Brandon Rios.Fredy Roach says if the Rios fight does not go well, we will seriously talk about his retirement, but that Pacquiao was training as well as ever for the Nov. 24 bout in Macau.Pacquiao faces Rios following successive losses to Timothy Bradley in a much-criticized judges decision and then a stunning knockout against Juan Manuel Marquez.He has been preparing in the southern city of General Santos City, which was not affected by the typhoon that hit the east coast of the Philippines last Friday.

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