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Showing posts with label ANP. Show all posts

Friday 23 January 2015

د باچا خان سره یو یادگار سفر

by بهروز خان
باچا خان په خوﺉ ډير ساده وو او سادګي يې خوښوله. په دغه سفر کښې ورسره د کور نه خوراک او دوه جوړې جامې وې باچا خان په خوﺉ ډير ساده وو او سادګي يې خوښوله. په دغه سفر کښې ورسره د کور نه خوراک او دوه جوړې جامې وې

چا راته اوويل  خبر يي! باچا خان کراچۍ ته روان دی. ذرذر مې ځان سم کړو. اته پته مې وکړه او هم په هغه اورګاډي کښې مې ټکټ واخست په کوم کښې چې به باچا خان تللو. 
دا د کال ۱۹۸۶ د مارچ مياشت وه. زه هم په دغه ورځو کښې په کراچۍ پوهنتون کښې وم. کلي ته راغلی وم. او هسې مې هم کراچۍ ته د تلو تکل کولو نو د دې نه به بله بختوره موقع کومه وه چې د پښتنو د يو ژوندي تاريخ سره يو ځاﺉ سفر وکړم چې هم د دغه تاريخ خپله يوه برخه شم او هم يې د سترګو ليدلی ګواه جوړ شم. باچا خان به د جهاز په ځاﺉ د ريل ګاډي سفر خوښوو او وجه به يې د ځان او د ملګرو د کم خرچ سره سره دا هم وه چې په لاره د ډيرو خلکو سره رابطې اوکړي او خپله خبره هم اولسونو ته ورسوي. زه ځان خوشبخته ګڼم چې په دغه دوه شواروزه سفرکښې ورسره ملګری شوم. او باچا خان مې د نزدې نه وليدو. د ضياالحق د مارشل لا د دور تورې تيارې وې. باچا خان د سندهي قام پرست جي ايم سيد په بلنه سنده ته روان وو.
باچا خان چې څومره په پښتنو ميين وو نو دومره ترې ګيله من هم وو. د يوې خبرې وضاحت ضروري ګڼم چې په دې ليکنه کښې د باچا خان خبرې ټولې په يو ځاﺉ نه دي شوي څه د هغه د جلسو ويناګانې دي او څه يې د مجلسونو خبرې دي چې ما اوريدلي دي او غواړم تاسو سره يې شريکې کړم. په کراچۍ کښې په کوړو هاوس کښې يوې غنډې ته چې زه هم پکښې شريک وم په خپله وينا کښې ويل" پښتانه مرده پرسته قوم دی چې اوس درته لګيا يم نو لاسونه پړکوﺉ او جذباتيان يۍ. خبرې ته مې غوږ نه نيسۍ او که صبا مړ وم نو غټ بابا به مو رانه جوړ کړی وي."
يو بل ځاﺉ يې دا هم ويلي وو "په قبر به مې شمعې بلوۍ د قبر کانړي به په ځان مږۍ کله به راله ماشومان راولي واېي به چې په سر يي لاس راکاږه. زه څه پير خو نه يم. او نه ستاسو بابا يم. پيرانو او باباګانو خو خوړلي يۍ. زه خو ستاسو خدمت ګار يم. زه خو دې ولي (ولي خان) دي ته ويم چې مړ شم نو دې سيند ته مې واچوۍ  چې هډو قبر مې نه وي."
چې کله اور ګاډی د اټک پل نه پورې غاړې د پنجاب صوبې ته واوړيدو نو ګاډی هم په يوه مخه روان دی او که څومره هم ځاﺉ په ځاﺉ په سټيشنو خلک يا د بابا د ليدو په انتظار وو او يا يې نورو سيمو ته د تلو د پاره د ګاډي انتظار کولو خو که غلط نه يم تر لالا موسی پورې ګاډی په يو ځاﺉ کښې هم ودريدلی نه دی. باچا خان چې په دې خبر شو حکومت نه غواړي دی دې د پنجاب د خلکو سره رابطې وکړي نو ډير خفه شو او وييل يې "زه خو د پنجاب وروڼو ته د وروولۍ پيغام ورکول غواړم او خلک هم زما خبره اوريدل غواړي خو حکومت نه غواړي." باچا خان د هغه سورلو په تکليف هم ډير خفه شو چې يا په کوم سټيشن کوزيدل او يا دغې ګاډي ته يې ختل غوښته.
ډ لالا موسی په سټيشن چې کله ګاډی ودريدو نو دومره خلک د هغې ډبۍ په خوا راغلل کومه کښې چې باچا خان وو چې هډو څه حساب يې نشته. چا پکښې يو ميګافون هم راورسولو او چې تر څو ګاډی ولاړ وو باچا خان په اردو ژبه وينا وکړه او خلکو ته يې ويل "تاسو خو زمونږ وروڼه يۍ. زه خو ستاسو خدمتګار يم. راځۍ چې په شريکه د ملک او خلکو خدمت اوکړو. په خدمت کښې خو اختلاف نه راځي اختلاف خو د خود غرضۍ نه پيدا کيږي." ټولې خبرې راته يادې نه دي خو چې څومره مې په ياد دي کوښښ کوم چې دلته يې وليکم.
باچا خان په خوﺉ ډير ساده وو او سادګي يې خوښوله. په دغه سفر کښې ورسره د کور نه خوراک او دوه جوړې جامې وې. په خوراک کښې ورسره عبدل خالق خان چې به ورته خلکو جج صيب وې، فريد طوفان او زه هم شريک شو. دغه دواړه د باچا خان د قافلې ملګري وو. د چرګ شوروا وه او د کور پخ شوې ډوډۍ وې چې شريمه مو په هغه سليپر کيبن کښې اخوړه چې دوﺉ درېواړو ځان له بک کړی وو. چې ډوډۍ مو اوخوړه نو څه سعت پس ورپسې بابا يو يو ګلاس پۍ هم راکړه.
د باچا خان د خوراک لوښي چې پکښې يو ټيفن کيرير، يو تهرماس، دوه د سټيلو رکيبۍ او يود ډوډو تړلو هغه سپوټی زما سره پاتې شو چې بيا ما د ځان سره تر ډيرې مودې لکه د تبرک وساتل. خو افسوس دی چې څه هغه وخت مات رامات شو چې کله په بونير کښې زمونږ زوړ کور د کال ۱۹۹۱ په زلزله کښې راپريوت او چې څه ما ساتلي وو نو هغه په کال ۲۰۰۹ د جولاېي په مياشت کښې د شکمنو تالبانو د لاسه تباه شول او وسوځول شو چې کله يې زمونږ نوی کور راوران کړو.
يوه خبره مې راياده شوه د سفر په دوران کښې جج صيب (عبدل خالق خان) د باچا خان نه پوښتنه وکړه. چې بابا په دې افغانستان کښې داسې نر تکړه پښتون څوک شته؟ دا د ببرک کارمل دوره وه. نو باچا خان ورته وې. "جج صيب يو خو ستاسو او د ولي (ولي خان) دي په شان پښتانه وي کنه. نو داسې خو پکښې ډير دي خو چې زه چاته پښتون وايم نو داسې پکښې يو هم نشته. ټول د اقتدار په لالچ کښې دي او د يو بل په وژنه اخته دي." جج صيب غلی شو او بله پوښتنه يې ونکړه.
د سفر په وخت باچا خان د ځان سره د خپل کتاب زما ژوند او جدو جهد يوه ډکه بوجۍ کتابونه هم وړي وو چې قيمت يې سل روپۍ وو. يوځل ورته د پښتون سټوډنټس فيډريشن څه غړي ودريدل او ورته يې وې چې بابا مونږ خو سټوډنټس يو او پيسې نه لرو نو مونږ له مو کتاب ويړيا راکړۍ. باچا خان به هميشه ورته وې چې ويړيا خو يې نه درکوم البته په نيمه بيه به يې درکړم. او دا ځکه هم چې ويړيا کتاب بيا څوک لولي نه.
ښا! طريقه به دا وه چې چا به کتاب اغستو نو باچا خان ته به ورتلو او هغه به ورته د فريد طوفان په نوم چيټۍ ورکوله ځکه هغه به د کتابونو انچارج وو. د سنده صوبې د پښتون سټوډنټس فيډريشن صدر قاسم جان له يې چيټۍ ليکله نو مسکی شو او وې يې- "هلکو سيلۍ ورته وليکم که طوفان" او ټولو وخندل.
د سنده په دوره يې د ضياالحق په حکومت کښې د خزانې وزير ډاکټر محبوب الحق لخوا د کالا باغ ډيم په حق کښې د تيار کړي رپورټ هغه ځواب هم د ځان سره وړی وو چې باچا خان پخپله ليکلی وو او د پمفلټ په شکل کښې چهاپ شوی وو. د پمفلټ ۵۰۰۰ کاپۍ يې وړې وې او د يو پمفلټ بيه اته انې وه. چاته يې هم وړيا نه ورکوله.
د قاسم جان مننه کوم چې معلومات يې راسره شريک هم کړه او ډير څه يې راياد هم کړه. هغه وې چې کله يې پمفليټونه خرڅ کړه نو ۲۶۰۰ روپۍ چې جمع شوې وې هغه يې فريد طوفان ته ورکړې. 
د خپلو اصولو ډير پابنده وو. چې کله ګاډی کراچۍ ته ورسيدو او باچا خان په سټيشن دا دومره ډیر خلک وليدل نو سخت خفه شو او د ګاډي نه د راکوزيدو نه انکاري شو. وييل يې "ولې مو دې دومره خلکو له تکليف ورکړی او ولې د دوﺉ د لاسه دې سورلو ته تکليف ورسيدو؟ تر څو چې دا د ګاډي ټولې سورلۍ وتلې نه وي تر هغې زه د ګاډي نه کوزيږم نه." جلوس ته چې خبر ورسيدو چې بابا خفه دی نو خلکو زر تر زره لاره خالي کړه او چې سورلۍ ټولې د سټيشن نه ووتلې نو باچا خان راکوز شو او خلکو ته يې ويل "زه خو هسې هم تاسو له راغلی يم نو تاسو ولې دا دومره تکليف کړی."
 د باچا خان د دورې غټ مقصد دا وو چې په اين اي ډي انجينيرنګ پوهنتون کښې د پښتنو او سنيدهيانو تالبعلمانو جګړه شوې وه چې پکښې د پښتونخوا د بنو سيمې جميل خان د سيندهيانو په ډزو وژل شوی وو. جي ايم سيد صيب باچا خان له جرګه ليږلې وه چې دغه روغه وکړي. او باچا خان هغه روغه وکړه او د هغې ذکر يې د مارچ په ۲۳مه نيته د بنارس په جلسه کښې داسې وکړو. "څه قوتونه لګيا دي چې د پښتنو، بلوچو او سيندهيانو په منځ کښې سازشونه وکړي خو خداﺉ خير وکړو او هغه سازشونه کامياب نه شو." باچا خان د کراچۍ نه علاوه سن ته جي ايم سيد صيب له، لاړکانې ته ممتاز بټهو له او حيدراباد ته هم لاړو او جلسې يې وکړې.
په کلو او کوڅو کښې به دغه ملنګ سرګردانه ګرځيدو او پښتنو ته به يې ويل "دا تاسو له چې خداﺉ کوم طاقت درکړی دغه طاقت په بل قوم کښې نشته خو د افسوس خبره دا ده. افسوس په دې دی چې خداﺉ مونږ له کوم طاقت راکړی دی نو هغه طاقت مونږ د مخالف په مقابله کښې نه استعمالوو. هغه طاقت مونږ په کور کښې استعمالوو. کور کښې تاسو وينۍ جې زمونږ څه حال دی. پرې دي جنبې دي تربګنۍ دي دشمنۍ دي بغض دی کينه ده. چاته؟ د يو پښتون بل پښتون ته"...

​​د حميده کوړو په کور کښې ورپسې اخبارواله راغلل چې خبرې ورسره وکړي خو باچا خان انکار وکړو. ورته يې ويل زه چې څه وايم هغه تاسو نه شۍ ليکلی. خو چې کله هغوﺉ ژمنه وکړه چې ارو مرو يې چاپوو نو باچا خان ورسره خبرې وکړې. قاسم جان وايي چې صبا له د بابا تپوس له لاړم نو اخبار يې لوستو او موسکی موسکی کيدو او ويل يې ما ورته نه ويل چې نه يې شي چاپولی. يوه خبره يې پکښې هم نه ده چاپ کړې.
خبره راغونډوم خو لږ ذکر دا هم اړين ګڼم چې باچا خان په واپسۍ کښې خلکو ته د مخه ښا د پاره د نه راتلو اپيل وکړو خو ولې بيا هم ډير خلک سټيشن ته راغلل. باچا خان چې کله د ګاډو په جلوس کښې د ريل ګاډي سټيشن ته ورسيدو نو د سټيشن په پوړو په خپل ويل چير يا د ناروغانو د سهولت کرسۍ کښې وو نو هلته ودريدو او خلکو ته يې ويل "هيڅوک به هم دننه نه راځۍ ځکه چې ستاسو په وجه نورو ته تکليف رسيږي او زه خو يو خدايي خدمتګار يم چا له تکليف ورکول نه غواړم."
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HitLeap - Traffic Exchange

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Khattak enjoying dual office: Asfandyar

PESHAWAR (Online) - Awami National Party Chief Asfandyar Wali Khan said that PTI leaders in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa holding dual offices‚ while their Chairman Imran Khan had been criticising President Zardari for holding dual office.

Addressing a public gathering in connection with bye-election campaign in Peshawar on Monday‚ he said democracy allows everyone to express his views but there should be limits.

The ANP Chief asked all political leaders to avoid criticism for the sake of criticism.

Asfandyar said that Imran Khan should tell him whether his pre-election promises were to be believed or what was happening after May 11 polls.

The ANP chief sarcastically said that retaining party and ministerial portfolio in the same time was possible only in Khan’s Naya Pakistan.

He said that during ANP government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, its leaders Mian Iftikhar Hussain and late Bashir Bilour visited blasts sites. He said that in new Pakistan PTI ministers and leaders didn’t attend funeral prayers of their MPAs. He added that it was not witnessed in any other democracy of the world.

He asked whether Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government had lost its writ after Dera Ismail Khan jailbreak. The ANP chief said that Imran Khan had said that the ANP government had failed after the Bannu jailbreak.
HitLeap - Traffic Exchange

Sunday 21 April 2013

PPP and ANP neck and neck in Peshawar valley’s five districts

PPP and ANP neck and neck in Peshawar valley’s five districts
Allies in previous coalition government, the Pakistan People’s Party and the Awami National Party would contest polls neck-in-neck in five central districts of Peshawar valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).


Though in recent past, the ANP remained main beneficiary in Peshawar, Charsadda and Swabi districts, whereas the PPP proved itself a superior force in Mardan and Nowshera. But now the situation seems tough for the PPP in both Mardan and Nowshera districts due to internal rifts. However, in Peshawar, the PPP improved its position in urban areas but facing hardships in rural areas.
It seems that candidates from three main contenders the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl, the Pakistan Muslim League-N and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf are likely to imbalance the situation. On security grounds, the ANP leadership is facing multiple problems, which could help the JUI-F, PML-N and PTI of jubilating the opportunities. Whereas, seat-to-seat adjustment in two districts goes against the ANP interests.


In 2008 general elections, the ANP grabbed six of 13 national and 21 of 36 provincial assembly seats in all five districts of Peshawar valley. Whereas the PPP become runner up with getting four national and nine provincial assembly seats. Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao's Pakistan People’s Party now renamed as the Qaumi Watan Party had won a single national and three provincial assembly seats. The JUI-F got one each seat of national and provincial assembly seats. An independent elected to National Assembly from Swabi and two (independents) from same district to KP Assembly. All these three independents remained in association with the PPP along with their counterpart from PPP-S.

Maulana Muhammad Gohar Shah

Comparing to 2008, the situation is different in all five districts. ANP leadership is facing severe threats of terrorist attacks, but PPP in previous couple of years had lost association of its certain heavy weights.
Remaining political forces made stable their position in the region. Yaseen Khalil of PPP from Peshawar, Pervez Khattak and Iqbal Hussain Khattak of PPP-S from Nowshera, who later became part of PPP have joined the PTI. Former district nazim Daud Khattak and Hajj Khan Khattak from Nowshera have joined the ANP. ANPs Hasham Babar had joined the PTI, but now contesting polls as independent candidate.
Ex-provincial minister Khawaja Mohammad Khan of ANP first switched to ANP and later to PTI and now contesting on a PML-N ticket. Some main PPP leaders and stalwarts from Mardan joined PTI and PML-N. Amongst them Muazzam Hoti and Iftikhar Mohmand are prominent. The independents who were elected from Swabi are now facing hardships and their instability is going to benefit ANP and QWP.
Despite severe terrorist threats, Bilour's credibility is on the rise in Peshawar. Like 1990, Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour is facing a heavyweight like Imran Khan in NA-1 Peshawar. In 1990, he defeated Benazir Bhutto from this constituency. However in 90, Bilour was enjoying support of the PML-N. This time he has no visible support of other political forces, but it seems that he could grab sympathies of Peshawar in return of sacrifices being rendered by the family for peace and stability.
Position of ANP candidates on three provincial assembly constituencies seems satisfactory as elder Bilour is accompanied by younger Bilours, Ghazanfar Bilour from PK-1 and Barrister Haroon Bilour from PK-3. On a third seat ANP has fielded Malik Ghulam Mustafa against PPP provincial president Zahir Ali Shah. People of Peshawar observe that Bilours and Saadat's have entered into a compromise by fielding weak candidates like Zulfikar Afghani and Malik Ghulam Mustafa. The PML-N, PTI and JUI-F have also fielded candidates on these constituencies but their position seems weak. Former PPP minister Arbab Alamgir Khalil is contesting from a national and a provincial assembly seat. He is being challenged by ANP's Arbab Najibullah on national and Arbab Tahir on provincial assembly seats. No one could neglect the fact that both Najib and Tahir are considered popular but their position was destabilized by former MPA Ateefur Rahman who revolted against the parliamentary board’s decision regarding ticket and now contesting on both national and provincial assembly seats. Alamgir seems main beneficiary of such rifts amongst the ranks of ANP. Position of ex-MNA Noor Alam Khan who is contesting from N- 3 seems satisfactory due to rifts and differences amongst ANP. However, his rivals are PML-N candidate Iqbal Zafar Jaghra, JUI-F’s Haji Ghulam Ali and PTI's Sajid Nawaz.
In NA-4 from where ANP’s Arbab Zahir remained undefeatable is no more contesting as he was replaced by Arbab Ayub Jan. Ayub barring 2002, remained victorious on provincial assembly seat since 1985, is now contesting on a National Assembly seat. He is facing ex-bureaucrat Gulzar Khan of PTI, Arbab Kamal of JUI-F, Nasar Musazai of PML-N and Sabir Hussain Awan of the Jamaat Islami. ANP has fielded all three former MPAs on provincial assembly seats. However, the ANP nominees would go through a tough time in all four constituencies.
Though the ANP had improved its position in Charsadda and Swabi, but the recent seat-to-seat adjustment between JUI-F and QWP had made the situation difficult. Similar is the position in Mardan where PPP, PML-N) and JUI-F have fielded strong candidates. ANP chief Asfandyar Wali Khan is contesting from his native NA seat in Charsadda. He is facing Gohar Shah of JUI-F and QWP. In fact, it is not first ever alliance between the two parties against ANP. Since 1988, Aftab Sherpao is making such alliances against ANP in Charsadda but this time he is lacking association of ex-federal minister Nisar Mohammad Khan, ex-provincial minister Haji Ihsan Ullah Khan and other individuals. Some of Nisar Khan's family members are contesting on PTI tickets and other on JI tickets. Whereas Ihsan is contesting elections on a PML-N ticket. It is likelt that real contest will be between ANP and QWP in one national and at least three provincial assembly constituencies.
Situation in Mardan is not too different from 2008 general elections where PPP, ANP and JUI-F are facing each others on all three national and eight provincial assembly seats. However, slipping of ex-federal minister Khawaja Muhammad Khan Hoti to PML-N had improved the party’s position.
Khwaja Muhammad Khan Hoti (Dec 2011) – File Photo
Former KP chief minister Amir Haider Khan Hoti is ANP candidate on national and provincial assembly seats from Mardan city. He is facing Khawaja Hoti on national and his son Omar Farooq on the provincial assembly seat. Former PPP MNA Khanzada and JUI-F candidate Qasam are making attempts for retaining their national assembly seats from remaining two constituencies. So far PPP, JUI-F and ANP leadership have resolved internal rifts amongst the party ranks over tickets but PML-N is going through worst kind of rifts across Mardan.
Like previous elections, atmosphere is favourable for ANP in Swabi district. Though ANP chief Asfandyar Wali Khan had faced defeat on National Assembly seat in 2008, but the party won one national and four provincial assembly seats. The ANP had grabbed three out of six provincial assembly seats in 2002 general elections. Like Charsadda, there is seat-to-seat adjustment between JUI-F and QWP in Swabi, but the JUI-F is not only ahead with internal revolt, but its candidates are also facing joint candidates of Islamic Solidarity Council, especially JI and Jumaat Ishaat commonly known as Panjpeeris on all seats. The one time strong Awami Jamhoori Ittehad, commonly known as Tarakwaal Group is also facing rifts and divisions. The PML-N is considered strong on one national and one provincial assembly seat but recently one of the leaguers joined the JUI-F. The PPP has no existence in certain parts of Swabi.
Unlike Peshawar and Mardan, PPP is going through a tough time in its Nowshera stronghold from where Engineer Tariq is trying to retain his national and Liaqat Shabab his provincial assembly seats. In 2008polls, there was an undeclared seat-to-seat adjustment between the PPP and PPP-S (now QWP). But there is no existence of QWP as Pervez Khattak along with associates had joined PTI. The PPP had also lost Daud Khattak, Hajj Mohammad and Shahid Khattak like heavy weights. Whereas the ANP has made its position stable in Nowshera.
Mian Iftikhar Hussain
Ex-information minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain is also in the run on a provincial assembly seat from Nowshera and is facing hardships in election campaign. Asif Luqman Qazi is also contesting on national and provincial assembly seats from Nowshera. However, people from this district are feeling absence of late Qazi Hussain Ahmad and Ajmal Khattak who are no more in the world.

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Wednesday 17 April 2013

ANP’s Farooq Khan Targetted in Charsadda.

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CHARSADDA: Local Awami National Party (ANP) leader Farooq Khan was targeted in a bomb blast in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Charsadda region on Wednesday, DawnNews reported.
The blast occurred in the Sardehri area of Charsadda near the vehicle carrying Khan who escaped unhurt.
Khan is the Vice-President of ANP in the constituency of PK-17 and is also the coordinator of ANP President Asfandyar Wali Khan’s election campaign.
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Thursday 14 February 2013

History: Doctor Khan Sahib not Doctor Khan Sayd or Syed

Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan (Doctor Khan Sahib)

The name of a historical person is misspelled by the locals of Utmanzai, Charsadda KPK.
They knows that historical person by the name of Doctor Khan Sayd which is misspelled of Doctor Khan Sahib. In Punjab and in some other parts of Pakistan the Pathans are calling by the name of  Khan Sahib, so here this historical person also known by the name Doctor Khan Sahib. That historical personality was Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan (born 1882 – May 9, 1958) popularly known as Dr. Khan Sahib. He was a pioneer in the Indian Independence Movement and a Pakistani politician. Here are some informations about him. Read about that historical personality and also share with your friends.

Early Life

He was born in the village of Utmanzai, near Charsadda in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. His father, Bahram Khan was a local landlord.

Khan Sahib was eight years older than his brother, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Badshah Khan).

 After matriculating from the Edwardes Mission High School in Peshawar, Khan Sahib studied at Grant Medical College, Bombay (present day Mumbai). He subsequently completed his training from St Thomas' Hospital in London. During the First World War he served in France and after the war, he joined the Indian Medical Services and was posted in Mardan with the Guides regiment. He resigned his commission in 1921, after refusing to be posted in Waziristan, where the British Indian Army was launching operations against fellow Pakhtuns.

Contribution to the Indian independence movement

In 1935, Khan Sahib was elected alongside Peer Shahenshah of Jungle Khel Kohat as representatives of the North-West Frontier Province to the Central Legislative Assembly in New Delhi.

 With the grant of limited self-government and announcement of provincial elections in 1937, Dr. Khan Sahib led his party to a comprehensive victory. The Frontier National Congress, an affiliate of the Indian National Congress emerged as the single largest party in the Provincial Assembly.

 Politics in Pakistan 1947 – 1954

 At the time of independence, he was the chief minister. Later he was jailed by Abdul Qayyum Khan's government. After Qayyum Khan's appointment to the Central government and the personal efforts of the Chief Minister of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa at the time, Sardar Bahadur Khan, he along with his brother and many other activists were released.

Back in government

He joined the Central Cabinet of Muhammad Ali Bogra as Minister for Communications in 1954. This decision to join the government led to his split with his brother.

 In October 1955, he became the first Chief Minister of West Pakistan following the amalgamation of the provinces and princely states under the One Unit scheme. After differences with the ruling Muslim League over the issue of Joint versus Separate Electorates, he created the Republican Party.

 He resigned in March 1957 after the provincial budget was rejected by the assembly.

 In June, he was elected to the National Assembly representing the constituency of Quetta, the former capital of Balochistan.

Back in government
He was assassinated by Atta Mohammad at approximately 8:30 am on May 9, 1958. "Allama Mashriqi Maliciously Implicated in Murder Case"

 This tragic incident occurred while Dr. Khan Sahib was sitting in the garden of his son Sadullah Khan's house at 16 Aikman Road, GOR,  Lahore. He was waiting for Colonel Syed Abid Hussein of Jhang to accompany him to a meeting organized in connection with the scheduled February 1959 General Elections.

 The assailant, 30-year-old Atta Mohammad was a “Patwari” (Land Revenue Clerk) from Mianwali who had been dismissed from service two years previously. Dr. Khan Sahib was rushed to the Mayo Hospital. However the severe bleeding and grievous injuries caused by the multiple stab wounds meant that the doctors were unable to save his life.

 The body of Dr. Khan Sahib was taken to his village Utmanzai in Charsadda about 30 miles from Peshawar, where he was laid to rest by side of his English wife Mary Khan. All West Pakistan Government offices remained closed on May 9 and flags flew at half-mast in memory of Dr. Khan Sahib.
Speaking of his passing, Pakistani President Iskander Mirza said, about him that he was "the greatest Pathan of his times, a great leader and a gallant gentleman whose life-long fight in the cause of freedom, his sufferings and sacrifices for the sake of his convictions and his passion to do good to the common man were the attributes of a really great man."

 Dr. Khan Sahib was survived by three sons; Sadullah Khan (a civil engineer from Loughborough University), Obaidullah Khan (a politician) and the youngest, Dr. Hidayatullah Khan.

 After his death, Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti was elected to fill the vacancy arising in the National Assembly.

 It is important to note that Dr.Khan Sahib's brother, Ghaffar Khan and his Red Shirt movement stayed away from the electoral politics.

 Ghaffar Khan actively opposed the One Unit and Dr. Khan Sahib's government. No major Red Shirt leader or worker ever joined the Republican Party, founded by Dr. Khan Sahib. The Red Shirts or Khudai Khidmatgar (servants of God) joined hands with nationalist and progressive workers and leaders from both the then East Pakistan and West Pakistan to form the National Awami Party (National Peoples Party) in 1957.
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