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Showing posts with label Charsadda KPK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charsadda KPK. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 June 2015

New Elected councillor shot dead by unidentified assailants in Charsadda

Ghani Khan Road Charsadda

A newly elected general counselor was shot dead by unidentified assailants in Charsadda while two others were injured.
Speaking from district headquarters hospital, police official, Mazullah Khan told The Express Tribune that councilor Attaul Haq was heading home in his Suzuki van when miscreants targeted him near Habibullah Korona area, a kilometer east of the city.
Haq died on the spot while two others, Abdullah and Jan Alam were injured. They were shifted to the district hospital for treatment.
The official added that while a case had not yet been registered, but an investigation had been launched to determine whether it was an incident of terrorism or personal enmity.
HitLeap - Traffic Exchange

Friday 23 January 2015

د باچا خان سره یو یادگار سفر

by بهروز خان
باچا خان په خوﺉ ډير ساده وو او سادګي يې خوښوله. په دغه سفر کښې ورسره د کور نه خوراک او دوه جوړې جامې وې باچا خان په خوﺉ ډير ساده وو او سادګي يې خوښوله. په دغه سفر کښې ورسره د کور نه خوراک او دوه جوړې جامې وې

چا راته اوويل  خبر يي! باچا خان کراچۍ ته روان دی. ذرذر مې ځان سم کړو. اته پته مې وکړه او هم په هغه اورګاډي کښې مې ټکټ واخست په کوم کښې چې به باچا خان تللو. 
دا د کال ۱۹۸۶ د مارچ مياشت وه. زه هم په دغه ورځو کښې په کراچۍ پوهنتون کښې وم. کلي ته راغلی وم. او هسې مې هم کراچۍ ته د تلو تکل کولو نو د دې نه به بله بختوره موقع کومه وه چې د پښتنو د يو ژوندي تاريخ سره يو ځاﺉ سفر وکړم چې هم د دغه تاريخ خپله يوه برخه شم او هم يې د سترګو ليدلی ګواه جوړ شم. باچا خان به د جهاز په ځاﺉ د ريل ګاډي سفر خوښوو او وجه به يې د ځان او د ملګرو د کم خرچ سره سره دا هم وه چې په لاره د ډيرو خلکو سره رابطې اوکړي او خپله خبره هم اولسونو ته ورسوي. زه ځان خوشبخته ګڼم چې په دغه دوه شواروزه سفرکښې ورسره ملګری شوم. او باچا خان مې د نزدې نه وليدو. د ضياالحق د مارشل لا د دور تورې تيارې وې. باچا خان د سندهي قام پرست جي ايم سيد په بلنه سنده ته روان وو.
باچا خان چې څومره په پښتنو ميين وو نو دومره ترې ګيله من هم وو. د يوې خبرې وضاحت ضروري ګڼم چې په دې ليکنه کښې د باچا خان خبرې ټولې په يو ځاﺉ نه دي شوي څه د هغه د جلسو ويناګانې دي او څه يې د مجلسونو خبرې دي چې ما اوريدلي دي او غواړم تاسو سره يې شريکې کړم. په کراچۍ کښې په کوړو هاوس کښې يوې غنډې ته چې زه هم پکښې شريک وم په خپله وينا کښې ويل" پښتانه مرده پرسته قوم دی چې اوس درته لګيا يم نو لاسونه پړکوﺉ او جذباتيان يۍ. خبرې ته مې غوږ نه نيسۍ او که صبا مړ وم نو غټ بابا به مو رانه جوړ کړی وي."
يو بل ځاﺉ يې دا هم ويلي وو "په قبر به مې شمعې بلوۍ د قبر کانړي به په ځان مږۍ کله به راله ماشومان راولي واېي به چې په سر يي لاس راکاږه. زه څه پير خو نه يم. او نه ستاسو بابا يم. پيرانو او باباګانو خو خوړلي يۍ. زه خو ستاسو خدمت ګار يم. زه خو دې ولي (ولي خان) دي ته ويم چې مړ شم نو دې سيند ته مې واچوۍ  چې هډو قبر مې نه وي."
چې کله اور ګاډی د اټک پل نه پورې غاړې د پنجاب صوبې ته واوړيدو نو ګاډی هم په يوه مخه روان دی او که څومره هم ځاﺉ په ځاﺉ په سټيشنو خلک يا د بابا د ليدو په انتظار وو او يا يې نورو سيمو ته د تلو د پاره د ګاډي انتظار کولو خو که غلط نه يم تر لالا موسی پورې ګاډی په يو ځاﺉ کښې هم ودريدلی نه دی. باچا خان چې په دې خبر شو حکومت نه غواړي دی دې د پنجاب د خلکو سره رابطې وکړي نو ډير خفه شو او وييل يې "زه خو د پنجاب وروڼو ته د وروولۍ پيغام ورکول غواړم او خلک هم زما خبره اوريدل غواړي خو حکومت نه غواړي." باچا خان د هغه سورلو په تکليف هم ډير خفه شو چې يا په کوم سټيشن کوزيدل او يا دغې ګاډي ته يې ختل غوښته.
ډ لالا موسی په سټيشن چې کله ګاډی ودريدو نو دومره خلک د هغې ډبۍ په خوا راغلل کومه کښې چې باچا خان وو چې هډو څه حساب يې نشته. چا پکښې يو ميګافون هم راورسولو او چې تر څو ګاډی ولاړ وو باچا خان په اردو ژبه وينا وکړه او خلکو ته يې ويل "تاسو خو زمونږ وروڼه يۍ. زه خو ستاسو خدمتګار يم. راځۍ چې په شريکه د ملک او خلکو خدمت اوکړو. په خدمت کښې خو اختلاف نه راځي اختلاف خو د خود غرضۍ نه پيدا کيږي." ټولې خبرې راته يادې نه دي خو چې څومره مې په ياد دي کوښښ کوم چې دلته يې وليکم.
باچا خان په خوﺉ ډير ساده وو او سادګي يې خوښوله. په دغه سفر کښې ورسره د کور نه خوراک او دوه جوړې جامې وې. په خوراک کښې ورسره عبدل خالق خان چې به ورته خلکو جج صيب وې، فريد طوفان او زه هم شريک شو. دغه دواړه د باچا خان د قافلې ملګري وو. د چرګ شوروا وه او د کور پخ شوې ډوډۍ وې چې شريمه مو په هغه سليپر کيبن کښې اخوړه چې دوﺉ درېواړو ځان له بک کړی وو. چې ډوډۍ مو اوخوړه نو څه سعت پس ورپسې بابا يو يو ګلاس پۍ هم راکړه.
د باچا خان د خوراک لوښي چې پکښې يو ټيفن کيرير، يو تهرماس، دوه د سټيلو رکيبۍ او يود ډوډو تړلو هغه سپوټی زما سره پاتې شو چې بيا ما د ځان سره تر ډيرې مودې لکه د تبرک وساتل. خو افسوس دی چې څه هغه وخت مات رامات شو چې کله په بونير کښې زمونږ زوړ کور د کال ۱۹۹۱ په زلزله کښې راپريوت او چې څه ما ساتلي وو نو هغه په کال ۲۰۰۹ د جولاېي په مياشت کښې د شکمنو تالبانو د لاسه تباه شول او وسوځول شو چې کله يې زمونږ نوی کور راوران کړو.
يوه خبره مې راياده شوه د سفر په دوران کښې جج صيب (عبدل خالق خان) د باچا خان نه پوښتنه وکړه. چې بابا په دې افغانستان کښې داسې نر تکړه پښتون څوک شته؟ دا د ببرک کارمل دوره وه. نو باچا خان ورته وې. "جج صيب يو خو ستاسو او د ولي (ولي خان) دي په شان پښتانه وي کنه. نو داسې خو پکښې ډير دي خو چې زه چاته پښتون وايم نو داسې پکښې يو هم نشته. ټول د اقتدار په لالچ کښې دي او د يو بل په وژنه اخته دي." جج صيب غلی شو او بله پوښتنه يې ونکړه.
د سفر په وخت باچا خان د ځان سره د خپل کتاب زما ژوند او جدو جهد يوه ډکه بوجۍ کتابونه هم وړي وو چې قيمت يې سل روپۍ وو. يوځل ورته د پښتون سټوډنټس فيډريشن څه غړي ودريدل او ورته يې وې چې بابا مونږ خو سټوډنټس يو او پيسې نه لرو نو مونږ له مو کتاب ويړيا راکړۍ. باچا خان به هميشه ورته وې چې ويړيا خو يې نه درکوم البته په نيمه بيه به يې درکړم. او دا ځکه هم چې ويړيا کتاب بيا څوک لولي نه.
ښا! طريقه به دا وه چې چا به کتاب اغستو نو باچا خان ته به ورتلو او هغه به ورته د فريد طوفان په نوم چيټۍ ورکوله ځکه هغه به د کتابونو انچارج وو. د سنده صوبې د پښتون سټوډنټس فيډريشن صدر قاسم جان له يې چيټۍ ليکله نو مسکی شو او وې يې- "هلکو سيلۍ ورته وليکم که طوفان" او ټولو وخندل.
د سنده په دوره يې د ضياالحق په حکومت کښې د خزانې وزير ډاکټر محبوب الحق لخوا د کالا باغ ډيم په حق کښې د تيار کړي رپورټ هغه ځواب هم د ځان سره وړی وو چې باچا خان پخپله ليکلی وو او د پمفلټ په شکل کښې چهاپ شوی وو. د پمفلټ ۵۰۰۰ کاپۍ يې وړې وې او د يو پمفلټ بيه اته انې وه. چاته يې هم وړيا نه ورکوله.
د قاسم جان مننه کوم چې معلومات يې راسره شريک هم کړه او ډير څه يې راياد هم کړه. هغه وې چې کله يې پمفليټونه خرڅ کړه نو ۲۶۰۰ روپۍ چې جمع شوې وې هغه يې فريد طوفان ته ورکړې. 
د خپلو اصولو ډير پابنده وو. چې کله ګاډی کراچۍ ته ورسيدو او باچا خان په سټيشن دا دومره ډیر خلک وليدل نو سخت خفه شو او د ګاډي نه د راکوزيدو نه انکاري شو. وييل يې "ولې مو دې دومره خلکو له تکليف ورکړی او ولې د دوﺉ د لاسه دې سورلو ته تکليف ورسيدو؟ تر څو چې دا د ګاډي ټولې سورلۍ وتلې نه وي تر هغې زه د ګاډي نه کوزيږم نه." جلوس ته چې خبر ورسيدو چې بابا خفه دی نو خلکو زر تر زره لاره خالي کړه او چې سورلۍ ټولې د سټيشن نه ووتلې نو باچا خان راکوز شو او خلکو ته يې ويل "زه خو هسې هم تاسو له راغلی يم نو تاسو ولې دا دومره تکليف کړی."
 د باچا خان د دورې غټ مقصد دا وو چې په اين اي ډي انجينيرنګ پوهنتون کښې د پښتنو او سنيدهيانو تالبعلمانو جګړه شوې وه چې پکښې د پښتونخوا د بنو سيمې جميل خان د سيندهيانو په ډزو وژل شوی وو. جي ايم سيد صيب باچا خان له جرګه ليږلې وه چې دغه روغه وکړي. او باچا خان هغه روغه وکړه او د هغې ذکر يې د مارچ په ۲۳مه نيته د بنارس په جلسه کښې داسې وکړو. "څه قوتونه لګيا دي چې د پښتنو، بلوچو او سيندهيانو په منځ کښې سازشونه وکړي خو خداﺉ خير وکړو او هغه سازشونه کامياب نه شو." باچا خان د کراچۍ نه علاوه سن ته جي ايم سيد صيب له، لاړکانې ته ممتاز بټهو له او حيدراباد ته هم لاړو او جلسې يې وکړې.
په کلو او کوڅو کښې به دغه ملنګ سرګردانه ګرځيدو او پښتنو ته به يې ويل "دا تاسو له چې خداﺉ کوم طاقت درکړی دغه طاقت په بل قوم کښې نشته خو د افسوس خبره دا ده. افسوس په دې دی چې خداﺉ مونږ له کوم طاقت راکړی دی نو هغه طاقت مونږ د مخالف په مقابله کښې نه استعمالوو. هغه طاقت مونږ په کور کښې استعمالوو. کور کښې تاسو وينۍ جې زمونږ څه حال دی. پرې دي جنبې دي تربګنۍ دي دشمنۍ دي بغض دی کينه ده. چاته؟ د يو پښتون بل پښتون ته"...

​​د حميده کوړو په کور کښې ورپسې اخبارواله راغلل چې خبرې ورسره وکړي خو باچا خان انکار وکړو. ورته يې ويل زه چې څه وايم هغه تاسو نه شۍ ليکلی. خو چې کله هغوﺉ ژمنه وکړه چې ارو مرو يې چاپوو نو باچا خان ورسره خبرې وکړې. قاسم جان وايي چې صبا له د بابا تپوس له لاړم نو اخبار يې لوستو او موسکی موسکی کيدو او ويل يې ما ورته نه ويل چې نه يې شي چاپولی. يوه خبره يې پکښې هم نه ده چاپ کړې.
خبره راغونډوم خو لږ ذکر دا هم اړين ګڼم چې باچا خان په واپسۍ کښې خلکو ته د مخه ښا د پاره د نه راتلو اپيل وکړو خو ولې بيا هم ډير خلک سټيشن ته راغلل. باچا خان چې کله د ګاډو په جلوس کښې د ريل ګاډي سټيشن ته ورسيدو نو د سټيشن په پوړو په خپل ويل چير يا د ناروغانو د سهولت کرسۍ کښې وو نو هلته ودريدو او خلکو ته يې ويل "هيڅوک به هم دننه نه راځۍ ځکه چې ستاسو په وجه نورو ته تکليف رسيږي او زه خو يو خدايي خدمتګار يم چا له تکليف ورکول نه غواړم."
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Saturday 25 October 2014

Dying on the front line of the polio war

SHABQADAR: Jahanzeb Khan sits at a doctor’s clinic in Tehsil Headquarters (THQ) hospital, Shabqadar in Charsadda, collecting files from patients at the outpatient department before assigning them a waiting number.
He wasn’t always in health services; he used to be a farmer before his wife was killed.
Zakia, a lady health supervisor, was gunned down along with her cousin Ayaz Khan, a driver for the national polio programme, on December 19, 2012 by militants. In fact, Zakia was one of eight who died in a string of attacks on polio workers from December 18 to December 19, 2012.
Since Zakia was not technically a government employee—neither was Ayaz—their families only received Rs300,000 each; the compensation paid to heirs of victims slain in a terrorism-related incident.
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Tuesday 14 October 2014

Charsadda Press Club Report by Alaf Khan Sherpao

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Friday 10 October 2014

Two picnickers drown in Kabul River on Eid

Sardaryab Bridge

CHARSADDA: Two picnickers drowned in Kabul River at Sardaryab point, the tourists resort at Charsadda district, during Eid holidays.

Local sources said that Nasir Iqbal, a resident of Gujrat in Punjab who was working at a sweets shop in Charsadda, had gone to Sardaryab for picnic on Sunday. He was swimming in the river when the gushing water swept him away. His body was retrieved by the divers from the river at Nowshera point after three days.

On Monday, three students identified as Shehzad Yousaf, Muhammad Asifuddin and Shehzad Ali, residents of Chitral, came to Sardaryab for picnic. They were swimming in the river when the speeding currents swept them away.

However, the local divers rescued Shehzad Yousaf and Muhammad Asifuddin while the search for the body of Shehzad Ali was still going on.Belonged to Washich village of Torkhow drowned Shehzad, son of Al-Waiz Sam Saam, had settled in Booni. He was a fresh graduate of LUMS or Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore.
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Thursday 7 August 2014

A shocking memory

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Thursday 24 October 2013

Qaumi Watan Party: Formation & challenges

Himayatullah Yaqubi

The political landscape in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is undoubtedly very fluid and irregular due to a number of factors. The most significant dynamics influencing the political inclinations of the public in the province are its geographical location and perpetual external involvement in the region. Recent political trends have largely been changed by the ongoing war on terror penetrating by USA led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces against the Taliban and its allies.
For that matter the Pakhtuns-the predominant ethnic group of the province happened to be one of the most oppressed nations of the world. It witnessed the Russian invasion in 1978 which killed thousands of the inhabitants of the area. It was ideological orientation and socialist trends that Awami National Party-the traditional nationalist political organization of the province, ignored the miseries and very strong anti-Russian sentiments of the Pakhtuns, and passionately supported the Russian invasion. Contrary to their political positioning the nationalists once again extended gesture of goodwill and friendship to the American forces when they marched against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Along with the militant Islamist, thousands of Pakhtuns are becoming the victim of US bombardment, drone strikes, Taliban attacks and incessant operation against the insurgents. In the midst of the war millions of the Pakhtuns have been displaced. The unending warfare in the region and the opportunist policy of the outmoded nationalist parties has virtually increased the weariness of the people in the province. Consequently, the political scenario witnesses the emergence of new trends and challenges which could be seen from reasonably different perspective. In the process the people were gradually dismayed by the performance of the so-called nationalist parties due to their ignorance of public opinion. The common masses look for an alternative political force for addressing their grievances and broad-based issues. Hence, the emergence of the Qaumi Wattan Party (QWP), the leadership of which is claiming the true representative nationalist party of the Pakhtuns in Pakistan. It based the party program on the progressive political ideas of Hayat Muhammad Khan Sherpao, elder brother of Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao. He remained the federal minister for petroleum, natural resources, youngest governor and senior minister of the province during the Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto regime.
Hayat Mohammad Khan Sherpao, known as an ideologue and Shaheed-i-Watan to most of the political workers of the QWP was an outstanding Pakhtun progressive politician, intellectual and social worker. He initiated an enlightened and progressive vision for the Pakhtuns residing in Pakistan. The title of Shaheed-i-Watan was accorded to him by thousands of his followers and those people who thought that he was not only a political leader par-excellence but also visualized a bright and prosperous future for the downtrodden masses. The realization of his being an outstanding politician and visionary does not come as a sudden phenomenon because his services were often themes of hujra discussion among the Pakhtun elders, intellectuals, Ulama, peasants, students and common men and women. The new title which the Pakhtuns bestowed on him emanated from this perception which is continuously developing day by day. The general Pakhtun intelligentsia is deeply concerned about their present predicament. The practicable and politically all-encompassing vision of Hayat Sherpao is attracting a large of number of them to redefine their objectives in the given circumstances. This gradual realization is interpreted by political analysts as an attempt to create an alternative Pakhtun nationalist political force in the shape of QWP.
QWP was formerly called Pakistan Peoples Party–Sherpao (PPP–S) a split away group from the Pakistan Peoples Party just before the 2002 general elections. PPP–S was named after its leader Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao. Differences had cropped up between PPP Chairperson Benazir Bhutto and Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao in 1999 and then the latter decided to design his own political organization. In October 2012, PPP-S was renamed as QWP when it changed its political agenda and declared itself as a Pakhtun neo-nationalist party. Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao, by establishing the party has visualized a prosperous and bright future for the Pakhtuns in the political program of the QWP. He very shrewdly builds on the flaws of the traditionalists and capitalized on their consistent irrational policies. Aftab Sherpao remained among the masses and bravely faced the wretched law and order situation when the Pakhtuns were facing worst kind of terrorism in their history. Several times he was targeted by suicide attacks, having lost his near relatives and party workers. He bravely faces the anger of those whose near and dear ones have lost their lives in the attacks perpetrated to remove him from the scene. Unlike other nationalist leaders, however, Sherpao never fled from the sight and give the people a sense of a political leader having strong nerve who could ready to sacrifice his life for the progress of his own nation. He gladdened the injured and participated in the Nimaz Janaza of the deceased. Despite his own injuries and threats of more attacks, he went to the houses of many other grieving families to condole with them. From this moment on, it would be a yardstick by which politicians were to be judged that whether they possess the courage to face the threats and solve it once for all.
By remaining among the masses in the toughest hour of trials, Sherpao remained quite successful to develop a perception of nearness among the masses. He infused in their hearts a concept of leadership who shares both their mourning and cheerfulness. One may rightly designate it a charismatic dimension of his leadership style. It gradually increased his popularity among the Pakhtuns and projected him a capable leader who possesses the quality of deliverance at the demanding times. Moreover, his long association with the people of the province and his continuous endeavors for public welfare transformed the perception of his colleagues and workers for making the party more vibrant with a neo-nationalist program. The party appealing manifesto and sensational electoral strategy to counter other contenders has largely been successful because of its relatively better performance in the 2013 elections.
Accordingly the name and manifesto of the QWP were formally changed on October 17, 2012. The tri-color flag was also changed by replacing the green color with white. Aftab Ahmad Sherpao believes QWP will work for rights of the Pakhtuns of the entire region, including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Afghanistan, Karachi, Balochistan and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The challenging environment confronted by the Pakhtuns is because of the flawed policies of the previous governments. Owing to the absence of a tangible and pragmatic policy over fifty thousand people were killed and millions others injured in acts of subversion over the last several years. QWP has asked the federal government to seek a viable solution to the problems being faced by the Pakhtuns and take steps to restore sustainable peace in the country, particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
At the legislative elections of 20 October 2002, the then Pakistan Peoples Party–Sherpao won 2 out of 272 elected members. In the 2008 general election, the party won only 1 seat in the National Assembly, in which the party leader Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao was successful. On the other hand, it won 6 provincial assembly seats, all in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. The 2013 elections mark a record for Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao and the party because it contested the elections with a Pakhtun nationalist political agenda. His success in the NA-8 Charssadda is the eighth successive electoral victory since 1977. During the elections the party branded itself as a nationalist force challenging the traditionalist ideological orientation of the ANP. The party leadership shrewdly out-maneuvered other nationalist political parties by capitalizing on their flawed policies. The party improved its position through making headway among the strong hold of ANP in a number of areas. It secured 10 seats in total, of which 8 were directly elected. This made it the fourth largest party in the province, and it joined a coalition government led by Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI). With support in the Pakhtun mainland like Peshawar, Mardan, Charssadda, Swabi, Buner and Dir, the party would pose a huge challenge for other contenders in the upcoming elections. Given the political program of the party, it can be argued here that it could neither be the spoiler, costing the ANP crucial votes nor the king maker, but a challenging nationalist force because of its pro-Pakhtun agenda. The joining of so many well-known retired bureaucrats, lawyers, educationists and other personalities is a clear indication of the QWP decisiveness in the provincial politics.
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Sunday 16 June 2013

Four killed, dozens injured as KP braves floods

CHARSADDA/PESHAWAR/GILGIT/NOSHEHRA - At least four people, including two children, were killed and more than three dozen others were injured in separate rain-related incidents in various areas of Charsadda district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Friday.
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Strong wind and heavy rain killed five-year-old Raheela and eight-year-old Mahnoor while 35 others were injured in separate incidents in various areas of Charsadda district.

In Geedarrwan area of Hangu, the roof of a dilapidated house caved in resulting in the deaths of two people, including a minor and left three others injured.

Meanwhile, strong wind blew off roofs of various houses, cattle sheds and uprooted trees due to which five people were injured besides massive property losses.
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The rain and wind gusts also disrupted the power supply and communication links creating difficulties for the dwellers.

Flooding rainwater also washed away lands and some houses situated near the banks.

According to reports, people living near the river banks have started shifting to safer areas over the fear of looming flood.

Around 400 families have been affected due to floods in Jala Bela‚ Bela Niko Khan‚ Mian Gujar and Islamabad Korona villages in Peshawar district.

Standing crops in the area have also been damaged due to flood in Shah Alam and NagumanRivers.

Protective dykes are being strengthened to protect these villages from further flood devastation.

According to Peshawar Flood Cell‚ River Kabul at Warsak and Nowshera is in high flood. PanjkoraRiver at Dir‚ ShahAlamRiver at Takhtabad and NagumanRiver at Charsadda Road are in medium flood whereas SwatRiver at Khawazakhela and Amandara is in low flood. IndusRiver at Tarbela is also in low flood.

Protective dykes at Jamat‚ Dalazak and Garhi Mohkam Shah villages in Charsadda district are being strengthened which were damaged due to diversion of River Kabul.

A part of the road near Kalam has been washed away by the floods due to which traffic to Kalam Bazaar has been suspended. Efforts are underway to restore it.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak has directed the authorities to be ready for any kind of eventuality.
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KP Senior Minister Sikandar Sherpao also visited various areas in Charsadda and directed the local administration to take immediate preventive steps in the wake of possible floods.

Meanwhile, flashfloods in Kargah Nullah have played havoc in several areas of Gilgit, completely destroying over two dozen houses, water channels and the main avenue. Acres of agricultural land have also been completely submerged.

The army has started relief activities and has undertaken construction work on Gilgit-Gadar linked bridge.

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Sunday 9 June 2013

Born in Utmanzai Charsadda and burried in Karachi (History)

Akbar Khan (Pakistani general)

Major General Akbar Khan, DSO also known as Mohammed Akbar Khan, was a Pakistan Army officer who is most known as the Brigadier-in-Charge in Kashmir on the Pakistan side in Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. He also served as a commander of the Pakistan Army's division to stop the first Baloch insurgency of 1948. Khan had also served as appointed Chief of National Security under Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Under his guidance, the Army had quelled the Balochi Insurgency during the early and mid-1970s. In spite of his engaging military career, Khan is mostly known in Pakistan as the main conspirator of the first but failed coup attempt of 1951, which came to be known as the Rawalpindi Conspiracy.
1 Early life and the army
2 Waziristan Wars of 1937 and World War II
3 Indo-Pakistan War 1947-1948
4 Change of heart
5 The conspiracy begins
6 The Communist Party connection
7 The day and co-conspirators
8 The probable leak
9 The conspiracy foiled
10 The trial
11 The aftermath
12 Bibliography
13 References

Early life and the army
Akbar Khan was born in 1912 in a fairly affluent Pashtun family.He was the son of Muhammad Akram Khan.He belonged to a village named Utmanzai (Parichkhail Family) in the district of Charsadda (the same place where the companion of Gandhi, Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan was born). He received his education at Islamia College, Peshawar, and took a commission into the British Army. After officer training at Sandhurst Military Academy, he joined The Hampshire Regiment in 1934, and later transferred to the 13th Frontier Force Rifles, part of the British Indian Army.

Waziristan War of 1937 and World War II
He took part in operations in Waziristan war during 1937–1938. During World War II he served in the 100th Indian Infantry Brigade of the 20th Indian Division during active combat operations against the Imperial Japanese Army in Burma. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for conspicuous gallantry and leadership displayed during the Battle of Kwanlan Ywathit whilst serving in the 14th Battalion of the Frontier Force Rifles.
Indo-Pakistan War 1947-1948
At the time of Independence, Akbar Khan was a member of the sub-committee involved in partitioning the armed forces between India and Pakistan.
Akbar Khan's own 1975 book *Raiders in Kashmir* (National Book Foundation, Pakistan) gives a thorough account of his role in the Pakistani attack on Hari Singh's J&K. His principal role was in arranging guns and devising strategies for war and revolt by Sardar Ibrahim's branch of the Muslim Conference against Hari Singh with the help of the Pakistan Army. He makes clear he was ignorant of the Pashtun laskars that came to be organised by Khurshid Anwar that invaded on 22 October.
Less than two months after Independence, fighting started in Kashmir, and the Indian Army landed in Srinagar and confronted the Pathan tribesmen who were advancing towards the valley. Akbar Khan, who was then a Brigadier, assumed command of the regulars and irregulars fighting against the Indian forces and was given the code name "General Tariq".
Change of heart
It was during this period that he first became dissatisfied with the moral and material support being given to the Pakistani fighters by Liaquat Ali Khan's government. He also had a grudge against General Douglas David Gracey, then Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army, who had put a brake on the deeper involvement of the army on the Kashmir front. Akbar Khan was of the opinion – rightly or wrongly – that acceptance of the ceasefire in Kashmir when he was only four hours away from capturing Srinagar, was a mistake and the armed operation against the Indian Army should have been continued.

The constraints under which Akbar Khan had to conduct the battle in Kashmir made him a very frustrated and dissatisfied person. By nature he was extremely brave and, in fact, rather rash. He was also very ambitious. All these qualities and tendencies combined to propel him towards conjuring up a plan to remove the Liaquat government by means of a coup d'état.

The conspiracy begins
In sheer frustration, Akbar Khan started discourses with other armed forces officers to form a group to stage a military coup. The government also became suspicious of his moves. Akbar Khan's wife, Begum Nasim (daughter of the famous Muslim League woman politician Begum Jahanara Shahnawaz), was quite indiscreet in her conversation, criticizing the Government and its policies before all and sundry, as did Akbar Khan himself, to some extent. He thus came under the watch of the intelligence agencies.
Brigadier Akbar was now due for promotion on the basis of his seniority. In December, 1950, he was promoted to Major General and posted as Chief of General Staff in GHQ. In his book Friends, Not Masters, General Ayub Khan wrote that he (Ayub) decided to post Akbar in the GHQ so that, firstly Akbar should not have direct command over troops like a Division Commander, and secondly because he could be kept under close watch by General Ayub Khan himself. Meanwhile, Akbar Khan continued his surreptitious meetings and discussions with various army officers and later with the civilians too.
The Communist Party connection
In those days the Communist Party of Pakistan was under tremendous pressure from Liaquat Ali Khan's government. It was not being allowed to function openly as a political party. Arrest warrants had been issued for all the top leaders of the party — all the members of the party's central committee had gone underground. Ordinary workers and even sympathizers were often arrested, beaten, sent to the fearful Lahore Fort for interrogation and threatened with dire consequences if they did not break all connections with the CP. This was the climate of oppression of the left at that time.
Akbar Khan's wife Nasim had vast connections with political families and political personalities such as Faiz Ahmed Faiz, who was a committed sympathizer of the party. All these political connections brought together the Chief of General Staff and the CP leadership.
Apparently the general had promised the CP leadership that if he came to power he would stop the continuous governmental assault on the leftists; the CP would be allowed to function as a legitimate political party like any other party and to take part in the elections which General Akbar promised to hold a few months after consolidating his power. In return the CP and its affiliated trade unions, kissan (peasant) committees, etc., would welcome the military government. The Pakistan Times, one of the leading newspapers of that period, whose editor was Faiz Ahmed Faiz, would lend editorial support to General Akbar's new dispensation.

The day and co-conspirators
On 23 February 1951, a meeting was held at Major General Akbar Khan's house in which besides a number of military officers, three civilians were also present, namely Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Syed Sajjad Zaheer (General Secretary of the CP) and Mohammed Hussain Ata. In this meeting were also present Lt-Colonel Siddique Raja MC, and Major Mohammed Yousuf Sethi both of whom later obtained state pardon and became approvers in the case against the others. The Chief of General Staff Akbar Khan presented his plan in this meeting which was to arrest the Governor-General Khawaja Nazimuddin and the Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan, both of whom were expected to be in Rawalpindi after a week (Karachi being the capital at that time). The Governor-General was to be forced to announce the dismissal of the Liaquat Government and the formation of an interim government presumably under General Akbar Khan. General elections under the army's supervision were also promised but no timeframe was given. The general also spoke about Kashmir, land reforms, eradication of corruption and nepotism and some such other topic.

The probable leak
Among General Akbar's confidants was one Askar Ali Shah, a police officer who was although not present at the meeting of 23 February 1951, had been informed beforehand by the general that he was going to convene such a meeting. This police officer had been a confidant of the general for over two years (or more) and had never leaked out any secret. But this time he got cold feet and blurted out to his IG Police, who in turn informed the Governor NWFP about the meeting. The governor wasted no time in contacting the Prime Minister.
The conspiracy foiled
The first four persons to be arrested were the Chief of the General Staff Major General Akbar Khan, the Brigade Commander of Quetta, Brigadier M.A. Latif Khan, Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Akbar's wife Nasim. Later some other people were also picked up. But one of the accused, Mohammed Hussain Ata, who was underground eluded arrest for a long time. He was eventually arrested in East Pakistan about a month after the trial proceedings had commenced.

Most of the accused were originally kept in various Lahore jails and later shifted to Hyderabad jail where a special compound inside the jail had been renovated and turned into the court premises. A special tribunal had been formed by the government to hear the case. The tribunal consisted of Justice Sir Abdul Rahman of the federal court, Justice Mohammed Sharif of the Punjab High Court and Justice Amir-ud-Din of the Dacca High Court.

The trial
The trial began on 15 June 1951 at 8.00 a.m. The prosecution was led by the formidable A.K. Brohi - this was one of his earlier cases. Later he was to achieve great fame and notoriety as a legal adviser of dictators and authoritarians. The incomparable Husain Shaheed Suhrawardy appeared on behalf of Brigadier Latif and Z.H. Lari on behalf of General Akbar. Other famous practitioners who appeared for the defence were Malik Faiz Mohammed, Khawaja Abdul Rahim, Sahibzada Nawazish Ali and Qazi Aslam. Gradually as the case proceeded and continued month after month, many of the counsel departed due to the inability of their clients to pay them. But credit goes to H.S. Suhrawardy who fought till the very end even when his client had stopped paying him anything more.
The basic charge against all the accused was one of "Conspiracy to wage war against the King". "A careful scrutiny of the first charge" said the judgement, "shows that it relates to a conspiracy alleged by prosecution to have come into being for overthrowing the Government established by law in Pakistan by means of criminal force or show of criminal force." Other allegations, though punishable offences in themselves, were "either the consequences of this conspiracy or merely means to achieve the object for which it was stated to have been entered into." The judgement was, therefore, directed mainly to examine whether the evidence produced by the prosecution was sufficient to establish "(i) the existence of conspiracy; and if that is found established, (ii) who are proved to have been parties to it?" The evidence led by the prosecution to prove its case was both documentary and oral. The latter was of "persons, who, without being either parties or willing parties to it, either deposed to the existence of the conspiracy or stated facts which might lead a court to draw a conclusion in favour of its existence; and (of) persons who were either, on their own statements, or on account of admissions of facts made by them, or due to existence of other reasonable grounds, held to be willing parties to the conspiracy."
The case as presented by the prosecution relied basically on the evidence of the two approvers, and other witnesses who gave circumstantial evidence. It was not a false case at all. In general the bulk of the evidence was true. But there was a major falsehood which negated all the claims of the state of presenting a truthful case before the tribunal.

The prosecution induced the approvers to state that at the end of the crucial meeting of 23 February 1951 the people present had agreed to overthrow the government. They had to tell this lie because otherwise the allegation of conspiracy would have fallen flat. According to the penal code a conspiracy is only established 'when two or more persons agree to commit an illegal act or a legal act by illegal means'. If there is no agreement there is no conspiracy under the law.
The Conspirators claimed that after eight long hours of discussion, of arguments and counter-arguments, of high tension and near nervous breakdown, the group of persons assembled in Akbar Khan's house that day had agreed not to take any steps in pursuance of the plan presented by the Chief of General Staff. There was no agreement, and therefore no conspiracy! General Akbar could have very well been punished under the Army Act for even presenting such a plan and for trying to subvert the loyalty of others
In jail the military officers and the intellectual civilians managed to get along together reasonably well, in spite of wide differences in ideology and thinking between some individuals. Actually, General Akbar had somehow managed to gather quite a diverse bunch of characters.
There were Major General Nazir Ahmad, who was an Ahmadi; Air Commodore Mohammad Khan Janjua was a Sunni but with no religious ideology ; Major Hasan Khan was a Shia; Brigadier Latif was into the Deobandi ideology and read a lot of religious books; Brigadier Sadiq, Lt-Col Ziauddin and Captain Khizar Hayat had faith in pirs and murshids; Lt-Col Niaz Mohammad Arbab was a good-natured person, belonging to an affluent and influential Arbab family of Tekhal Bala, near Peshawar. He was totally uncommitted ideologically, so much so that much later he became a minister in General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq's government.

Syed Sajjad Zaheer, Mohammed Hussain Ata and Faiz Ahmed Faiz were communists of varying degree. So was Major Ishaq Mohammed, but at that time he was still a beginner. Later, of course, Major Ishaq became a symbol of militant left-wing politics in Pakistan. He was a fearless person and used to argue with vehemence even with the judges of the Tribunal. After an exchange of hot words, Justice Sir Abdul Rahman thundered: "I will set you right", to which Ishaq boldly replied: "Go ahead, my Lord!" The Justice could then only mutter, "I pity you". Ishaq and Ata were both hot-tempered and indulged in blistering polemics when discussing politics in jail.
The two coolest customers in that circle were the senior members of the group, Syed Sajjad Zaheer and Faiz Ahmed Faiz.
The aftermath
Of the fifteen, the only woman, Begum Nasim, was acquitted, while Major General Nazir Ahmad was dismissed from service and sentenced till the rising of the court. All the others received prison sentences ranging from a minimum of four years (civilians and junior officers) to a maximum of 12 years for Major General Akbar Khan.
In the words of the principal accused, Akbar Khan, it was General Ayub Khan (the Army C-in-C) who was the choreographer of this comic strip (conspiracy case) and who apparently had feared that Akbar Khan had about two divisions at his disposal, to support him. His ordeal after his arrest is best described in his own words:
“In the early hours of the morning on 9 March 1951 I was arrested and carried away the whole of that day, a long distance from Pindi, to jail. In the deserted suburbs of what looked like a dead town, distant and asleep, that cold night, at 11 p.m. the massive doors of the jail groaned creaked and opened slowly to swallow a motor convoy that was bringing me in seventeen hours had been taken by that convoy speeding across territory that I had not been permitted to see, so that neither the route nor the destination should be known to me or anyone else interested in following us. That morning while I had been sleeping peacefully, a hundred men had surrounded my house and successfully overpowered my one unarmed watchman. Then Major-General Mian Hayauddin knocked at my bedroom window and said that he had to see me about something most urgent. I had gone at once, without even putting on shoes, through the study door to meet him. But as I emerged, men with bayonets and sten guns had rushed at me from three sides — the front and both flanks. I had been rushed at before, during the war, by the Japanese in fighting — but never by 20 to one and not when I was unarmed. I had only a split second to think and I had let them come on. I think it had been the complete failure of this melodrama to impress me at all that had stopped the men mid-stride. No bayonet or sten gun had reached my body — and the few hands that had been laid at me had been quickly withdrawn. A mere telephone call would have sufficed to tell me that I was under arrest. But instead all troops had been alerted and these men had apparently expected to be gunned down by some sort of desperado”
Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan himself made the announcement from Lahore about the conspiracy which was generally regarded as treason and the conspiracy came to be known as "The Rawalpindi Conspiracy".
The UK High Commissioner in his 3rd report to his Government on the Rawalpindi Conspiracy ending 17 March 1951 on the question of evidence against the conspirators, stated that "General Akbar Khan was a dangerous man, under the influence of an ambitious wife, and that he had been regarded as very anti-Commonwealth before he went to the United Kingdom last year to attend the Joint Services Staff College. According to Gracey the Defence Secretary Iskander Mirza wished Akbar to go on to the Imperial Defence College to "complete his education". The impression was that on his return, he would be less anti-British, and it was felt that he might be sobered up by being given a responsible job under the eye of the Commander-in-Chief at GHQ. General Gracey also told Colonel Franklin that he had informed the Chief of the Imperial Staff of Akbar's tendencies before he had left for the course... According to an informant... the police have been investigating the activities of Akbar and his wife for the last two years, and General Gracey also maintains that these two, and certain of his friends, had been known as the "Young Turk Party". In spite of all this those in charge were, last December, quite happy to appoint the General to a key post in the Pakistan Army".
Akbar Khan was also one of three generals (the others being Lt. Gen. S.G.M. Pirzada and Tikka Khan) who met with Pakistani President Yahya Khan on 20 February 1971 to plan "Operation Searchlight"; he was appointed Chief of National Security in December, 1971 by Pakistan's new Prime Minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
Muhammad Akbar Khan died in 1993 at the age of 81 in Karachi.He was buried in Defense Military graveyard Karachi.

Lt Gen Attiqur Rahman (2005).  

Back to the Pavilion. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-597861-7

Khan, M Akbar (1975).

Raiders in Kashmir. National Book Foundation - Islamabad. Second Edition. 210pp

Khan, Lt Gen Gul Hassan (1993).

Memoirs of Lt Gen Gul Hassan Khan. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-577447-7

Riza, Major Gen Shaukat (1984).

The Pakistan Army – War 1965. Services Book Club.

Riza, Major Gen Shaukat (1989).

The Pakistan Army 1947–1949. Services Book Club.

Zaheer, Hasan (1998).

The Times and Trial of The Rawalpindi Conspiracy 1951. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-577892-8

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Sunday 19 May 2013

ECP decision enables KP govt to re-appropriate Rs6b funds

PESHAWAR: The Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) notification allowing the diversion of development funds paved the way for the Khyber Pakhtun-khwa government to go with the re-appropriation of funds amounting to Rs6 billion.
The sources told The News on Friday that even before the lifting of ban by the ECP, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government had re-appropriated Rs275 million from the much-wanted Northern Bypass Road (Charsadda Road to Karkhano-Hayatabad) project to the Ring Road Project.

The ECP on January 22 issued directives to the provincial government to abstain from diversion of development funds till election as the same could be used as manipulating tools in the constituencies of some influential people in the outgoing government. However, it lifted the ban on the diversion of funds on May 16 with which the huge diversion of funds has started in the province.

While the re-appropriation of funds to development projects particularly those being funded from non-ADP portfolio or new projects was simply out of question, but the provincial government diverted funds form Northern Bypass Project to the Ring Road project.

And funds have also been re-appropriated to some closed projects under the Peshawar Development Authority (PDA), giving a fig to the directives of the ECP and the mandate of the caretakers, the sources added.

Besides this diversion, a huge re-appropriation of about Rs6 billion funds is also under way and the next government should take note of it. An official in the Communication and Works (C&W) Department on condition of anonymity said the re-appropriation was for the officers who are efficient in outreach and experts in utilizing an unimaginable amount of funds in the month of June. It is now commonly known as Junism in Finance Department and the media circles, he said and added that the C&W people could swallow Rs10 billion till June 30.

The official claimed that the commission in development projects had now touched 46 percent while the contractors would also make their bucks which would not be included in the commission mentioned above.

There is a panic-like situation in the Planning and Finance Department (P&D), and the money is being dolled-out so that the uplift funds could be “utilized” before the new government takes over in the province.

Referring to the Finance Department (also posted on the official website of the department), the official said that the utilization of development funds is not more than 45 percent over the last ten and half months and the government department are striving to consume the remaining 55 to 60 percent funds in one month time which is absolutely impossible.

He said that it was an open secret now that billions of rupees are drawn in advance in June and no one in the government either questions it or offers any remedy for the same because everyone gets benefited form it one way or the other.

Another officer in the Planning Department, who also requested not to be named, said that it was also the failure of the P&D Department that was doing everything, but except planning. He added that due to the low capacity and ill-planning 50 percent re-appropriation of original budget takes place in the last month of every fiscal year.

He did not rule out the possibility of manipulation in the re-appropriation process and termed the same a big challenge for the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf coalition in the province.The official said the new government should also launch some kind reforms to fight the menace of the underutilization of funds that lead to re-appropriation and ultimately becomes a source of mega corruption.

Riaz Khan DaudzaiSaturday, May 18, 2013
From Print Edition
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